NSN Support Group
Support Group Sign-Up Form
The past 2 plus years have been difficult to say the least. We all have gone through hard times- both personally and professionally. I felt a pull to find a way to support my fellow nurses. To give them a place to be heard and find community. Healthcare in general has failed to support nurses and all healthcare workers mental health. This peer support group is open to any member of the nursing team- CNA, LPN, RN, NP, PhD, CRNA, nursing student- in any field of nursing. It is a safe and healing space to come as your are amongst a community of your peers.
- Weekly, one hour meeting
- Small groups- typically around 5 participants or less
- Safe and space to share your story and experience
- Receive support and community
Our Support Groups are provided free of charge. Donations are accepted to help fund the Support Group & other NSN resources. Donations are never expected, but always appreciated! See below to donate. Thank you.
Please sign up using the form below, I look
forward to meeting you!
Disclaimer: This is a peer support group guided by a Registered Nurse. This is not therapy, medical care, medical advice or professional mental healthcare.